i love the game, its easily my favorite on my ipod, and within like one week of owning it, i played for twenty hours. HOnestly, I dont mind the view, i think if you come out with a new view in an update, always keep the existing one. the people look terrible. its hard to tell the difference between people that youre targeting, or civilians and police. if youre going to update the graphics then great, if not thats fine. I like the controls, but for driving some of the vehicles, its ridiculously hard, like driving trucks and buses. i also dont understand why when you land a helicopter, you cant take off again, instead of having to leave the copter, and then get back in, and then take off. i love the sound well done. i only have two big problems! the timer: it makes some missions unfairly difficult, and the rocket car mission, if you hit like two things, then you explode, it is impossible!!! also, i completed all of story mode, yet i still have two locked cities for some reason!! so i beat all of the challenges except for two that are the locked ones, and still they remained locked!! so i went to stats, and it says i only have storymode 75% completed!!!! i dont want to have to go back and do it all over again!!! please fix this. maybe i need to get gold in all missions or something, but you shouldnt have to. if you beat storymode EVERYTHING should be unlocked.
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